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Transportation & Maps

Arriving by Ground

Centrally positioned within the state, the Farm Progress Show site can easily be reached from north, south, east and west. From the north and south, the site is just 15 minutes from Interstate 35 and conveniently located on the north side of US Highway 30 between Ames and Boone, Iowa.

Arriving by Air

Commercial Air Transportation

Commercial air transportation is less than an hour away at the Des Moines International Airport (DSM). The airport provides non-stop service from many major cities around the United States. Car rental service is available at the airport, or attendees may book transportation services through Executive Express.

Corporate fleets, charters and small aircraft

The James Herman Banning Ames Municipal Airport operated by Central Air Service and the Boone Municipal Airport, operated by Farnham Aviation Services, are both within a 15-minute drive from the Farm Progress Show site.

Discover Ames is providing shuttle service for Farm Progress Show attendees who will be flying in and out of the Ames airport. 2026 Farm Progress Show Shuttle Information will be posted by January 1, 2026.